Stuff From Other Environmental Groups (May)


  1. The Liberal Government Table Their Climate Action Plan: After decades of climate action failure, this new detailed plan inspires new hope to meet minimal climate change goals. For the full news, go here!

  2. Saskatchewan is Leading Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions: “Environmental groups say it's time for Saskatchewan to get serious about fighting climate change which scientists say has contributed to deadly heat waves, drought, wildfires and +extreme weather events including torrential rain storms.” For the full report, go here!


  1. Scientists Publish Recommendations to Protect the World’s Coral Reefs: “The canaries in the coal mine of climate change.” For the release, go here!

Good News Stories

  1. Nature Conservancy in Canada: "The good news is, in just the last two years, you have helped double the pace of conservation. When combined with our previous conservation efforts, together we have ensured the future of more than 15 million hectares.” For the full story, go here!

  2. Rainforest Trust Makes One of the Largest Commitments to Conservation in History: The Rainforest trust has pledged to protect 30% of the planet, including some of the most biodiverse and fragile ecosystems, by 2030. For the full story, go here!

Worth The Watch

  1. Seaspiracy (2021): Here's a shocking but important film exposing the humanitarian and environmental impacts of global commercial fishing!

Other Quality Information Sites

  1.  Check out CBC News “What On Earth?” They highlight trends and solutions for a more sustainable world!

  2. Also, check out WE-CAN (West Coast Climate Action Network) and join their many online (FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube) events!

  3. International Institute For Sustainable Development (IISD) also provides much Canadian and global research and insight into our future climate adaptation needs!