Local & Provincial Stuff (November)


  1. Fall Farmers’ Markets:

           Vernon: TBA, indoors... IF STILL ON. The manager hopes to continue with Monday and Thursday but at a less expensive location.

                           Fall Harvest Market, Nov 11, Vernon Rec Centre, 9 - 4

           Armstrong:  Saturdays, 10 – 2 pm, Odd Fellows Hall on Bridge Street, Wood Ave entrance.

           Christmas Market, December 3, Hassen Arena, 9 – 2 so no regular market that day.

           Lumby: Mon – Sat., 10 – 5 pm, indoors at Monashee Co-op. For more, visit www.monasheecommunitycoop.ca!


  2. Swan Lake Sewer Project: This is expected to improve Swan Lake's water quality, and is a part of a larger project which will bring a sewer system to local Swan Lake homes which are currently on septic systems. For the news article, go here!


  1. West Coast Climate Action Newsletter: For the newsletter, go here!

  2. B.C. First Nations Seek Action on Sturgeon Deaths: The Nechako First Nations claim mismanagement and call for protection of the sturgeon and their rights. For the news article, go here!     

  3. The Big Burn: Wood pellets from B.C. trees  not just left-overs) are being burned for energy in the U.K., not as green as advertised. For the Fifth Estate article, go here!

Local Stuffm lassau