S.E.N.S. Stuff (September)

  1. The Pollinator Path: It continues to grow throughout our region. After receiving a grant from the City of Vernon and being able to purchase signs for display, many keen residents have contacted us and planted native species, avoided the use of herbicides and pesticides, and helped to protect our local pollinators!! Please contact SENS through our Facebook page (see above) if you are interested in displaying a beautiful and educational sign in your growing space. Art design donated by Nancy Wilde. Follow us on Facebook #senspollinatorpath!

  2. City of Vernon Forum: SENS and Climate Action Now! (CAN!) are co-sponsoring a live and fb livestreamed Environmental All Candidates Forum, September 24 at Vernon’s Performing Arts Centre. Details on time will be determined in early September when we receive the number of prospective candidates. Masks appreciated. Seats, first come, first served.  Have a question you’d like provided to the moderator? Please send, ASAP to jblissau@telus.net  Mark your calendars so you remember to vote on or before October 15!

  3. Speaker/Event Ideas? Let us know ( jblissau@telus.net ) if you have ideas for future SENS events!

Call To Action

  1. Reduce your Carbon Footprint: This post from Kathryn Kellogg’s Zero Waste Blog has some simple but helpful tips to reduce your impact. She also has great tips to recycle odd items!

  2. Protect Canada’s Ancient Selkirk Forest: Please add your name to this petition to protect this forest. Despite reports of its important biodiversity, it has logging permits which leaves it vulnerable to logging anytime!

Worth the Watch

  1. Virunga (2014): Documentary here! on the heroic rangers who dedicate their lives to protecting the endangered gorillas of Congo’s Virunga National Park by filmmaker Orlando von Einsiedel and producer Leonardo DiCaprio.

  2. Just Eat it! A Food Waste Story (2019): A Vancouver couple goes 6 months surviving on only food waste. This film highlights the mind-blowing amount of food we waste in developing nations. This will inspire you to buy the ugliest produce on your next grocery shop!


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