Local & Provincial Items (January)


  1. Winter Farmers’ Markets:

    Vernon: Saturdays, 9 – 1,  Divya Sutra Conference Centre, 27th Ave.

    Armstrong: Sat., 10 – 2 pm, Odd Fellows Hall, Wood Ave at Bridge St.

    Lumby: Mon – Sat., 10 – 5 pm, indoors,Monashee Co-op.   www.monasheecommunitycoop.ca


  1. Rising sea levels could put Vancouver’s airport at risk of flooding. YVR is built on an island off the coast of Richmond and, with rising sea levels from climate change, the major Canadian airport is more vulnerable than we realize. For the full Narwhal story, go here.

  2. The opportunity to lead on clean concrete. B.C. could lead the way in the clean cement and concrete industry. Clean cement and concrete would create jobs and industry in the province while decreasing our carbon footprint locally and globally. More about clean cement and concrete at this link.

  3. Narwhal shares this collection of the most memorable photos from B.C. The images illustrate B.C.’s beauty, the devastating toll of the climate crisis and the effort of some to stop it. To take a look at the collection, go here.

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