Stuff From Other Environmental Groups (October)


  1. Open Net-Pen Salmon Farming in B.C. to Continue: Sadly, Ottawa is backtracking on its promise to phase out open net-pen salmon farming in B.C. Expansions have been approved for the farms off the coast of Vancouver Island. For the news article, go here!

  2. Should Air Conditioning be a Human Right in Canada? A coalition on climate adaptation argues that with climate change, air conditioning like heating in the winter should be accessible to all Canadians. For the news article, go here!


  1. Climate Activism is Good for your Health: Changes to climate affect air quality, natural disasters, and habitat disruption of animals, resulting in zoonic diseases moving closer to humans. Climate disruption also has a profound effect on our mental health. For the full story, go here!

  2. Sea levels Rise in New Zealand: Climate change is the cause, with some communities at risk in the next 30 years. For the full report, go here!

Good News Stories

  1. The World’s Biggest Urban Garden: As a part of the government’s “Hortas Cariocas” initiative, Rio De Janeiro is set to make this garden. It will increase consumption of organic foods and provide an income for disadvantaged families. For the full article, go here!

  2. Off-Season Coral Breeding: Scientists in Australia have succeeded in breeding coral in the off-season for the first time ever. For the full report, go here!