Local & Provincial Stuff (October)


  1. Fall Farmers’ Markets:    Vernon: Mondays and Thursdays, 9 – 4 pm, Vernon Rec Centre until October30..

    Armstrong: Sat.,8:30 – 12: 30, Armstrong Fairgrounds, Pleasant Valley Road,  then 10 – 2 pm, Odd Fellows Hall on  Bridge St., Wood Ave. from mid-October on.

                             Lumby: Mon – Sat., 10 – 5 pm, Monashee Co-op.   www.monasheecommunitycoop.ca

  2. Land to Table Network (L2T): This local group has been greatly helping those in need due to the bad summer conditions. From their recent newsletter is a thoughtful resource page for affected farmers! They do a lot of funding to support local food security and local infrastructure too. Please support the school food movement at: #NourishKidsNow! For more, check out their website to find out all the other good works they’re involved with!

  3. After a summer of record wildfires, flood risk will follow: Wildfires results in loss of forest systems which absorb rainwater. After the big forest fire season and record drought, floods are expected. For the news story, go here!

  4. B.C. government announces new conservancy to protect rare ecosystems near Revelstoke: This conservancy will result in one of the most significant protected areas established in a decade. For the news story, go here!

  5. Reduce climate pollution and save money! Canadians could do both by switching to heat pumps from air conditioners. As our summers get hotter, sometimes deadly hot, climate-friendly options are needed to stay cool. For more, go here!


  1. Jerome Gessaroli: Why it makes sense to use market incentives to mitigate wildfire intensity. Crucial steps to reduce wildfire intensity can be extremely costly (but much more costly if nothing is done). Incentivizing communities to manage these changes could be the answer to this environmental goal and others. For the opinion piece, go here!

  2. Will switching to a heat pump save you money? Here’s an online calculator from the Canadian Climate Institute to compare the coast of heat pumps to other heating and cooling options to find out!

  3. When climate’s on the B.C. Communities agenda, fossil fuel firms turn up the heat: After a summer of devastating wildfires, climate change is a major topic at the UBCM annual convention. Seems contradictory that the main sponsors are fossil fuel companies like Fortis...  For the news story, go here!

  4. Advocates say old-growth is still being cut years after B.C. promised protections: Logging continues as before despite the promise to over-haul the way forestry is managed. For the news story, go here!

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