S.E.N.S. Stuff (February)

  1. New Direction for SENS: Instead of having mostly monthly community meetings SENS will be moving in a new direction! We will continue with ongoing community projects and be exploring some new exciting initiatives. 

    Please stay tuned for future details about these new endeavours for the coming year! We are also hoping to have a seed/plant swap at our Annual General Meeting, in late March/early April.

  2. Congratulations Amy on the new addition to your family! Her baby’s arrival caused some adjustments for the February newsletter but she looks forward to planning all of the March newsletter and those for the rest of this year as usual.

Call To Action

  1. Save B.C. Salmon: Coastal Gas Link pipeline crews used heavy equipment to destroy salmon and steelhead habitats on Wet’suwet’en territory and federal fisheries officers will be investigating. Tell DFO minister Joyce Murray to halt construction before the company does any more damage!

Worth the Watch

  1. “Kiss The Ground”: Woody Harrelson narrates this powerful documentary with a promising plan to combat climate change. Changing the way we grow food could be the answer to not only minimizing emissions but regenerating our planet!

Other Quality Information

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