S.E.N.S. Stuff (May)

  1. 1.Home Energy Retrofits (May 11th, 7 pm, Vernon’s Schubert Centre): Absorb lots of ‘how-to’ on pre/post audits, incentives, costs, rebates, electrical considerations, and even choosing from solar, insulation, heat pumps, and hot water tanks, as Ted Spearin, P. Eng., shows how his home will generate much less impact on the environment. Everyone welcome at this free event. Bring your questions and a car-load of friends!

  2. Earth Day, April 22: SENS directors, John and Terry, were able to give out about 2,300 conifer trees, donated by PRT, during the day, outside at the Vernon Museum site.

    Meanwhile, inside the Vernon Museum, a different group set up a very successful event with a panel of three Indigenous speakers discussing "Forests and Wildfire in a Changing Climate: Rekindling Indigenous Stewardship". Everyone that attended learned many valuable things about reconciling with and healing our land, and some of what we need to do to make our summers a little less scary here.  Indigenous people are working to protect their lands, livelihoods and way of life from forest fires. They have very valuable knowledge about managing the land and their fire-fighting skills could benefit the province.  The speakers told many stories that highlighted how beautiful and plentiful the land used to be before our current fire-fighting practices did so much damage.  This event inspired attendees and gave them hope that we could repair the damage done to the land and to our relationships with Indigenous land stewards.

Call To Action

  1. Join Frack Free BC: This group is working to end fracking in B.C. Join May 4th for a virtual introduction to the campaign and learn how you can get involved! Go here: https://www.wildernesscommittee.org/events/frack-free-bc-may-organizing-call?utm_source=root&utm_campaign=4587ffc4c3-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_02_01_08_43_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-7e80830f44-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

  2. Celebrate World Bee Day (20th): The weather is improving and were all starting to head out to the garden. This year add these bee-friendly plants to help our pollinators this May. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/agriculture-seafood/animals-and-crops/animal-production/bees/food-for-bees/bee-forage-plants  

Worth the Watch

  1. How to Stop Dumping Sewage into the Water: Watch Uytae Lee’s story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFXbzyfrBTE

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