S.E.N.S. Events (February)

  1. Dimanche, February 12, 7:30 pm. The Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre is offering all SENS newsletter readers a 2 for 1 deal on tickets to this action-filled production. The link:  Dimanche | Ticket Seller Box Office. Interested? Contact the Performing Arts Centre at 250 542-9335 and provide this code: Sens2for1.  SENS volunteers will staff a table of information to share good things happening locally. We welcome your feedback and your involvement on new programs we wish to start.

  2. SENS Annual General Meeting (AGM): Mark your calendars for March 21, Vernon library and join us. Free seed and plant share from 7 – 7:30, a short ( 7 minute?) AGM, followed by a garden topic speaker. Everyone welcome! Any unclaimed seeds are donated to the library’s seed bank located upstairs.

  3. We Need YOU! Interested in donating your time as a director to assist with ideas on SENS’ wish list? Contact us at Info@sensociety.org for an application. And, interested in sharing/learning on the job as co-treasurer for a few years? Dexterity with numbers not necessary!  Just a few minutes of your here and there for much of the year….Contact Julia:  jblissau@telus.net

Call to Action

  1. Add your name to a petition prohibiting the use of Red Dye #3 in Canada. This dye has been shown to cause tumours in male rats when given in high amounts. There are safer alternatives to this dye, which could be used in many child-focused foods. Follow this link to learn more and sign the petition.

  2. Squeaky wheel gets the grease”. Please follow this link to sign a petition to save BC’s old-growth forest. It’s more important than ever to remind government that this is still an important issue. Also important is protecting BC’s ecosystem health and its biodiversity. Biodiversity loss puts food and water systems, human health and the climate at risk. Express your concerns with your MLA!

  3. Take a quiz. What happened in climate news in 2024? Take a quiz to test your knowledge.

Worth the watch

  1. Decolonizing Bird Knowledge. This YouTube episode, aimed at supporting community learning, focuses on indigenous land-based learning and Bird Knowledge with Creators Garden. Watch here, on YouTube.

  2. Chasing Coral. The 2017 film is a powerful documentary capturing the devastating loss of coral. Without action the future of our seas is tragic, to learn how you can help go here. The full feature film on YouTube is here.

Other Quality Information

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