Local & Provincial Items (February)


  1. Winter Farmers’ Markets:

    Vernon: Saturdays, 9 – 1,  Divya Sutra Conference Centre, 27th Ave.

    Armstrong: Sat., 10 – 2 pm, Odd Fellows Hall, Wood Ave at Bridge St.

    Lumby: Mon – Sat., 10 – 5 pm, indoors,Monashee Co-op.   www.monasheecommunitycoop.ca

  2. Swan Lake Benches: North Okanagan Naturalists seek funds for a stone bench at the Swan Lake Nature Reserve for about $5000.Tax receipts provided for donations by e-transfer to nonc2021@telus.net or by cheque to P.O box 473, Vernon  V1T 6M4. State it’s for the bench!

  3. Low-elevation forests play an important role in our Okanagan ecosystem. Trees like the Ponderosa Pine benefit our community and ecosystem by stabilizing soil and forming a critical habitat. These forests need our protection. To learn more and how to help, follow this link.

  4. Reduce your carbon footprint this ski season. Carpool to Sovereign Lake! Sovereign Lake has arranged parking at the corner of 47th Avenue and 20th Street to encourage carpooling to the hill. Parking map Here 

  5. CAN! North Okanagan has been researching for 4 years now to provide accurate information on various environmental issues that affect us all. Go here for a recent one  provided to e-Castanet on  renewable natural gas and its origins. Their valuable website also has all their other well researched articles that help us understand what’s going on around us. Start reading! -  and save the link! https://climateactionnownorthokanagan.ca/news/climate-in-focus


  1. Old Growth Forest Beauty and Complexity: See this video, from Sierra Club BC.

  2. Road Salt: B.C. research suggests it’s linked to death and deformities in salmon. Check here.

  3. FortisBC gas bills jump to pay for new pipelines. Consumer cost of fossil gas will increase an average of $14.25 per month as of January 1, 2025. Details here.

  4. Wind Power in BC. Adrian Dix announces environmental assessment exemption in BC for wind energy projects to allow development to move quicker, but critics say, “At what cost”. To read the Narwhal story go here.

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